14 Greatest Bikes of All Time.

Well,Did you recognize the bike in the pic above??…….If yes , then this post shouldn’t be missed , as it is made exclusively for the super hardcore bike FREAKS!. Let the countdown begin.  14. Ducati 999R Year: 2003 Type: Sportbike Designing a follow-up to Tamburini’s legendarily beautiful 916 was always going to be a challenge, and when the 999 was…

18 Harry Potter things we find in our MIT.

1.Flourish&Blotts : Kamath Book Store 2. Hogsmeade : Goa  3. Quick Quotes Quill : Om Xerox 4. Shrieking Shack : Kamath Basement 5. Dementors: End sem & their Kiss:Makeup 6. St Mungo’s : KMC Hospital 7. The Great Hall : Food Court 8. Honeydukes : Lipton 9. Dolores Umbridge : You know who   10 .Nicolas Flamel : Satya Nadella…

The Amazing first Semester in 26 lines.

Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week,but what if the whole week was too rusty that Sunday got cleared off….hmmm that’s what it happens with everyone out there having their first week at college…..certainly it happened with me,and lets have a look at how it happened at all in a comic way.A Spectacular…

First years, This Way-MIT,Manipal

First year is undoubtedly the best for any engineering student, and what makes it better is the suspense and excitement you get in the first few months, i would not like to spoil that fun by revealing everything……but would like to enhance it by giving some basic info. Getting there: Manipal can be reached via…

Movie Review: How to train your Dragon 2

A Curious Kid Rating: 4/5 One Line Review: It truly is a high-flying, depth-charging wonder to behold. Ratings and Box Office Openings. IMDB: 8.7/10 Rotten Tomatoes:94% Metacritic :77/100 US Box Office :Presently at 2nd Position with a whooping 49.5M Collections. Plot:When Hiccup and Toothless discover an ice cave that is home to hundreds of new…